Thursday, June 2, 2011

Cosmic Entities

I chose in the Marvel Universe sandbox a few cosmic entities, because of their unique looks and the little time I had to do this exercise!
Here are:
-Eon - Responsible for choosing the Protectors of the Universe, mortal champions elected to face one specific menace to life in the universe each. Killed by Maelstrom, but succeeded by its "daughter" Epoch.
-Master Order - Embodies the universal concept of Order. Opposite of Lord Chaos. Likened to necessity by the Living Tribunal
-Lord Chaos - Embodies the universal concept of Chaos. Opposite of Master Order. Together with Master Order, Lord Chaos claims to be responsible for assigning fates to mortals. Likened to vengeance by the Living Tribunal. Master Order and Lord Chaos created the In-Betweener as a balance between them.
-The Living Tribunal is the judge of the cosmic entities who ensures that the cosmic laws are obeyed, and safeguards the multiverse from mystical imbalance. It has declared itself to "transcend the realms of Death and Eternity, Order and Chaos. All the opposing realities", likening itself to all spectra and scales of dualities and balance. Before the Living Tribunal can act his three faces must reach a unanimous verdict; these represent Necessity, Vengeance and Equity. It claims to act as a representative for an even higher being, that has never been explicitly shown; though this higher power has been referred to as the One Above All, but only specifically in a later retconned Guardians of The Galaxy storyline. The Tribunal is generally considered to be the most powerful of all known cosmic entities. Note that the Tribunal rules over all of the Marvel Universe's alternate versions as well; an M-Body of the Living Tribunal is present in each universe of the Marvel multiverse.
-A Celestial - A race of cosmic beings with several human-like qualities. Apparently, they guide cosmic evolution to create new beings such as themselves, and possess power enough to create entire universes, or contain such within themselves. They have numerous possible origins.
-Cosmic Cubes - Objects of great power. Not always cubical, and in such cases referred as "cosmic containment units". Created by the Beyonders to test the concept of desire in mortal beings. They can grant wishes, but eventually are "born" into individual entities. The Shaper of Worlds, Kubik, and Kosmos are all former cosmic cubes. Possess power enough to erase galaxies from existence, attain galactic size and create universes, or collapse one upon itself.
-Master Hate is an abstract cosmic being who embodies hatred. His true origins or how he came to exist is a mystery. Master Hate first appeared to humans when he joined forces with other cosmic entities in order to stop Thanos, who had gained control of the Infinity Gauntlet. Among those cosmic entities was his counterpart Mistress Love. During the battle that ensued Thanos managed to turn the cosmic beings into statues. However, when Nebula gained control of the gauntlet, the entities were restored to their true forms and attacked Nebula hopping to wrest the gauntlet from her grip. Nebula, however, gained too much power and stopped the entities once more. Later during the battle, Adam Warlock managed to gain control of the gauntlet and set reality straight.
-Deathurge - Embodiment of suicide, and herald of Oblivion, capable of killing virtually anything, including cosmic entities, with its assortment of ebon weaponry. Loosely based on the Black Racer.

Hope you'll like my humble rendition of those great cosmic embodiments! ;)


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